Wish Givers

Book cover of Wish Givers by Shannon Knight. Illustration by Elizabeth Peiró. Realistic painting of a tattooed Polynesian woman smiling up at the viewer. The perspective is unusual, looking almost straight down on the woman. She is surrounded by a ring of fire and an upward spiral of sparkling ghosts. The image creates a feeling of wonder. The title is in a glowing fantasy font.

Book Reviews


“Five stars and highest recommendations for this book! It is insightful, introspective, and there is plenty of action.” -Jim Arrowood, Jim’s Sci-Fi Blog


“Knight’s storytelling is a testament to her vivid imagination, and her ability to create a world filled with intriguing characters and a captivating plot.” -Taylor Pratt, The Bashful Bibliophile


“Wish Givers is a powerfully written story…Highly recommended.” -R.L. Baranowski, authors of Warlock at Law


"[O]ne of the most unique fantasy settings and magic systems I have ever read." -Kris, A Fictional Escapist

Book Blurb


Reva’s clan, the Mauli, tattoo wishes into reality. Once revered, the Mauli now live in hiding, with a precious few imprisoned in a pit beneath the Ali’i’s palace. Burning for justice, Reva strides into the capital city, announces herself a wish giver, and allows herself to be bound. She knows the only way to save herself and her people is to grant her greatest enemy his every wish.


Already outcast by her skill and arrogance, Reva feels she has nothing to lose and everything to gain. However, she faces not only the Ali’i, but the mighty White God and his followers, the animosity of the Mauli, and the burdensome eye of Mata, a dark god with an ambitious priest who has a wish of his own. Within the confines of the Ali’i’s palace, Reva secures love and friendship, but to destroy the Ali’i, she may be forced to sacrifice more than she has ever wished for.


Wish Givers is an epic fantasy with a tropical island setting and themes of freedom, found family, and the pursuit of dreams.


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She must destroy her greatest enemy by granting his every wish. Be careful what you wish for. Book cover of Wish Givers by Shannon Knight. Illustration by Elizabeth Peiró. Realistic painting of a Polynesian woman smiling up at the viewer. She is surrounded by a ring of fire and an upward spiral of sparkling ghosts.

Product Details


Imprint: Winter Moon Press

ISBN: 979-8-9876393-0-6 (eBook)

ISBN: 979-8-9876393-1-3 (paperback)

ISBN: 979-8-9876393-8-2 (hardcover)


Publication date: Jan. 13, 2023 (eBook)

Publication date: Jan. 26, 2023 (paperback)

Publication date: Aug. 2023 (hardcover)


Cover illustration by Elizabeth Peiró.


Language: English

Trim: 6×9 inch

Pages: 426

Author Biography


Wish Givers author bio:

Shannon Knight lives in the Pacific Northwest with her faithful feline, the best cat on this planet. Their adventurous lives include coffee, reading, ribbon games, and K-dramas. Prior to settling in the PNW, Shannon traveled to islands, living briefly on some and sailing from Java to Christmas Island on a small ketch. Years later, Shannon fell ill with the novel COVID-19 virus and became primarily bedbound for about two and a half years. The first thing she did upon regaining the ability to sit up all day was complete the publication of Wish Givers, Insiders, and Grave Cold.


Book cover of Wish Givers by Shannon Knight. Art by Elizabeth Peiró. Realistic painting of a tattooed Polynesian woman smiling up at the viewer. The perspective is unusual, looking almost straight down on the woman. She is surrounded by a ring of fire and an upward spiral of sparkling ghosts. The image creates a feeling of wonder. The title is in a glowing fantasy font.

Cover illustration by Elizabeth Peiró.