
Book cover of Insiders by Shannon Knight. Illustration by Isabeau Backhaus. Realistic painting of a young woman wearing a plant suit floating in space. The woman is Asian with short white hair. She is surrounded by a ring of plants covered in epiphytes. There is a glowing nebula behind her. The image creates a sense of wonder.

Book Reviews


“If you like character-driven space operas, you should give Insiders a try.” -Jamedi, JamReads



“The action starts from the beginning and doesn’t let up until the last page. I found the ending quite satisfying and was entertained all the way through.” -Jim Arrowood, Jim’s Sci-Fi Blog


Insiders [is] a well-written and enjoyable space opera with well-defined characters, mega-cool side-protagonists and an outstanding premise, with a nice hint of über-weird to add scale and stakes.” -Edpool, Hatboy’s Hatstand

Book Blurb


In a universe of long-haul truckers, parasite-bearing megalomaniacs, asteroid rustlers, and homicidal peace keepers, some people just want to stay alive.


Deep within Kerberos Station, pipe crawler Sachi Inside is dying of the planet-killing Hibravian virus. In a state of delirium, the agoraphobic girl agrees that in exchange for life, she will not only leave her pipes, but even the station. A sentient plant wraps around her, guides her to an exiting ship, and adheres to the hull.


Captain Karasi Kwei is not pleased to discover a stowaway, but the crew thinks there’s money to be made on the plant, and the fact that both the Eastern Star Corporation and the Elysium Empire are tracking it confirms its value. However, none of that matters when the entire crew falls sick with the incurable Hibravian.


But Sachi’s plant is more than it seems. All they have to do is fight the mercenaries, survive the virus, evade the Elysium Empire, and navigate a fluctuating microwave wall, and they just might save the universe.

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One sentient plant, One bickering crew, One universe to save. Available now! Book cover of Insiders by Shannon Knight. Illustration by Isabeau Backhaus. Realistic painting of a young woman wearing a plant suit floating in space. She is surrounded by a ring of plants covered in epiphytes. There is a glowing nebula behind her. The image creates a sense of wonder.

Product Details


Imprint: Winter Moon Press
ISBN: 979-8-9876393-2-0 (eBook)
ISBN: 979-8-9876393-3-7 (paperback)
ISBN: 979-8-9876393-7-5 (hardcover)

Publication date: Jan. 28, 2023 (eBook)
Publication date: Feb. 10, 2023 (paperback)
Publication date: July 3, 2023 (hardcover)


Cover illustration by Isabeau Backhaus.


Language: English
Trim: 6×9 inch
Pages: 404

Author Biography


Insiders author bio:
Shannon Knight lives in the Pacific Northwest with her faithful feline, the best cat on this planet, and a spectacular night view of the galaxy and beyond. In the spring of 2020, Shannon fell ill with the novel COVID-19 virus and became primarily bedbound for about two and a half years. The first thing she did upon regaining the ability to sit up all day was complete the publication of Wish Givers, Insiders, and Grave Cold.

Book cover of Insiders by Shannon Knight. Illustration by Isabeau Backhaus. Realistic painting of a young woman wearing a plant suit floating in space. The woman is Asian with short white hair. She is surrounded by a ring of plants covered in epiphytes. There is a glowing nebula behind her. The image creates a sense of wonder.

Cover illustration by Isabeau Backhaus.