The Books

Science Fantasy

Book cover of Grave Cold by Shannon Knight. Protect the Dead. Cover photo by Kiselev Andrey Valerevich. Photo is a close-up of a beautiful white woman' face. She is wearing dramatic violet makeup and covered in frost. The lighting is violet, and a hot pink faux fur frames her face. The typography is in a distressed font.

In Grave Cold, a medieval reaper and a beautician necromancer must save the dead from being used as an energy source. Learn more.

Science Fiction

Book cover of Insiders by Shannon Knight. Illustration by Isabeau Backhaus. Realistic painting of a young woman wearing a plant suit floating in space. The woman is Asian with short white hair. She is surrounded by a ring of plants covered in epiphytes. There is a glowing nebula behind her. The image creates a sense of wonder.

A sentient plant and a diverse crew struggle against a deadly virus, mercenaries, and a closing universe in Insiders. Learn more.


Book cover of Wish Givers by Shannon Knight. Illustration by Elizabeth Peiró. Realistic painting of a tattooed Polynesian woman smiling up at the viewer. The perspective is unusual, looking almost straight down on the woman. She is surrounded by a ring of fire and an upward spiral of sparkling ghosts. The image creates a feeling of wonder. The title is in a glowing fantasy font.

Wish Givers features tattoo magic and a tropical island setting. Reva must save her clan and destroy her greatest enemy by granting his every wish. Learn more.


Book cover of Insiders by Shannon Knight. Illustration by Isabeau Backhaus. Realistic painting of a young woman wearing a plant suit floating in space. The woman is Asian with short white hair. She is surrounded by a ring of plants covered in epiphytes. There is a glowing nebula behind her. The image creates a sense of wonder.

When Janie escapes to the isolated sheep farm, she expects her husband to hunt her down, but she doesn't plan on Rob and Howard. Learn more.